Racquetball Ontario is delighted to announce the initiation of its new Coach Mentorship Program. Program starts in September and will run until March. The purpose of this endeavour is to:
- Create a common coaching philosophy throughout Ontario
- To help build confidence in new coaches
- Create a coaching support network across Ontario
- Allow new coaches to gain practical experience in a safe environment.
- To help build the sport of racquetball
How the program Works
Mentee’s will be assigned a qualified Mentor who will come to their club and work with them in a variety of ways face to face, virtually or over the phone. This opportunity is not limited to one session, but can include multiple meetings up until the program deadline. In addition, this program is highly customizable and is tailored individually for a single coach, or a small group of coaches. All Mentors are recognized and approved by Racquetball Ontario.
In order to create the most effective program for the selected Apprentices, we have asked applicants to include a ‘club profile’ in their application. This profile will include information on the athletes they are currently coaching, their training and competition schedule for the duration of the program timeline, and any other details they see to be relevant for the Mentor to know.
This supplementary information will assist Mentors in tailoring their program plan to the specific needs and focusses of the Apprentice. After our selection process, we will pair Apprentices and Mentors together and send Mentors the corresponding club profile; Mentors will have 14 days to submit a proposed program to their assigned Apprentice. The Apprentice will be given the opportunity to review the proposed program plan to ensure it matches the expectations they have for the session and offer suggestions or pose any questions to the Mentor prior to meeting.
This is a one-time commitment but mentee’s are encouraged to extend the commitment if they wish. However, any additional services or fees beyond this program will be negotiated between the Apprentice coach and the assigned Mentor. The Program runs from September till March.
Specifics of the program
Step 1 – Recruitment of Mentors – Completion of Application form and Sport Resume
Step 2 – Recruitment of Apprentice coaches – Completion of Application form and Learning Plan
Step 3 – Assign Mentor’s to Apprentice coaches and provide Mentors with application form and Learning plan submitted by Apprentice coach.
Step 4 -Mentor/Apprentice meet.
First visit is to establish vision, goals and expectations for both Mentor and Apprentice. A personal/Professional development plan will be created which will include; Frequency and location of visits, expectations and goals for both Mentor and Apprentice as well as an exchange of contact information. Mentor has 2 weeks to create a plan they both, Mentor/Apprentice agree upon.
Step 5 – The implementation fo the agreed plan, in-person visits or check in regularly on tasks outlined in agreement
Step 6 – Conclusion of program – Evaluation and feedback from Mentor and Apprentices about the program.
Selection Process
Mentor Selection Process:
- Resume Detailing Sport and Coaching experience
- Completion of Safe Sport eLearning Module (NCCP)
- Current Police Vulnerable Sector Check (PVSC)
- Current First Aid Certificate
- Minimum Competition Development Coach Certified (level 3)
Apprentice Selection Process:
- Completion of Application form and learning plan
- Completion of Safe Sport eLearning module
- Racquetball Community Initiation Workshop and NCCP Coach Initiation in Sport eLearning module are recommended but not required
- Current Police Vulnerable Sector Check (PVSC)